French Guiana

  • Sep 26, 2011
  • 7 min read

Oil find offshore French Guiana raises regional hopes

Offshore French Guiana, operator Tullow Oil and its partners in the Guyane Maritime licence --...

French Guiana
  • Mar 2, 2004
  • 7 min read

RUSSIA/LATIN AMERICA: Moscow raises regional profile

Russia has recently presented itself to institutions and states in the region as a partner in the...

  • Dec 18, 1997
  • 7 min read

BRAZIL: Space Programme

Despite Brazil's fiscal problems and last...

  • Jun 20, 1997
  • 5 min read

CARIBBEAN: French Dependencies

France's newly-elected Socialist government...

  • Nov 22, 1996
  • 5 min read

FRENCH GUIANA: Unemployment Riots

Four nights of rioting took place earlier this month...

French Guiana