
  • Jun 18
  • 7 min read

Elections may bring new instability in Venezuela

President Nicolas Maduro is rising in opinion polls after lagging far behind the opposition

  • May 2
  • 7 min read

Opposition will force strategy shifts in Venezuela

An inexperienced opposition candidate may represent a serious challenge to President Nicolas Maduro's continuity

  • Apr 18
  • 7 min read

Venezuelan migrants could boost host countries' growth

Various recent studies point to the potential economic benefits arising from the arrival of large numbers of Venezuelans

Latin America
  • Apr 3
  • 7 min read

Opposition will struggle for consensus in Venezuela

Thirteen opposition candidates registered for July presidential elections, but the main contenders were unable to do so

  • Mar 22
  • 8 min read

Amazon rainforest faces existential climate risk

Droughts are becoming increasingly severe and common, and could push the Amazon to breaking point

Latin America
  • Mar 12
  • 7 min read

Venezuela election moves could see renewed sanctions

The presidential election has been set for July 28, an early date chosen unilaterally by the authorities

  • Feb 20
  • 7 min read

Andean crime expansion poses regional challenge

The Andean Community is seeking to set out measures to coordinate regional efforts to tackle crime and insecurity

Latin America
  • Jan 30
  • 7 min read

Election outlook becomes more uncertain in Venezuela

US sanctions could return after the Supreme Court upheld the political ban on the opposition presidential candidate

  • Jan 16
  • 7 min read

Maduro concerns could bring new Venezuela candidates

Although President Nicolas Maduro has lacked competitors until now, this could change if his re-election bid looks weak
