
  • Sep 6
  • 7 min read

Armenia will continue with balancing act abroad

The Armenian government is balancing competing interests at home and abroad as it seeks to enhance its security

  • Aug 2
  • 7 min read

The situation in French New Caledonia remains febrile

Proposed electoral reforms have intensified polarisation in New Caledonia, France’s Indo-Pacific oversees territory

  • Jul 3
  • 7 min read

China's influence in the South Caucasus will grow

An interest in developing trade corridors to Europe has led to Beijing increasing its interest in the South Caucasus

  • Jun 27
  • 7 min read

Azerbaijan will forge a multi-vector foreign policy

Baku has moved closer to Russia at a time when tensions with the West have risen

  • May 30
  • 7 min read

Exit of Russian troops signals shift away from Armenia

Russia pulled out hundreds of troops from Armenia and Azerbaijan over the past two months

  • May 13
  • 7 min read

Armenia will avoid severing ties with Russia

Relations with Moscow continue to deteriorate, with Yerevan asking for Russian troops to leave several bases

  • Apr 2
  • 7 min read

Baku will resist a quick peace deal with Armenia

Tensions between the two countries remain high, with the chance of a comprehensive peace deal receding

  • Feb 16
  • 13 min read

Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Karabakh is settled

This background brief explains the failure of diplomacy and the recourse to a military solution to the Karabakh conflict

  • Feb 7
  • 7 min read

The EU will encounter obstacles in the South Caucasus

The EU has attempted to intensify its engagement in the South Caucasus, with varying degrees of success
