Prospects 2015 Q3
Defence and security
Tensions in Ukraine, Middle East and Asia Pacific will be key drivers of defence planning for the rest of 2015
United States
Congress must hurdle a series of deadlines, before confronting the annual budget due on October 1
Natural gas
Supply gluts continue to hold down natural gas prices, while demand indicators lag across regions
East Asia
Security-related tensions are rising, within China and in the wider region
As immigrants try to get in, the United Kingdom contemplates leaving and Greece finds membership increasingly impossible
Manufacturing is becoming dependent on the health and viability of SMEs, and the government policies supporting them
The Iran nuclear deal will dominate the security agenda, while dealing with cheap oil will be a priority among exporters
OPEC is maintaining its policy of non-intervention, while producers elsewhere are not scaling back significantly
Resumption of war in Donbas, Ukraine's financial woes and Russia's problematic ties with West will dominate outlook
Latin America
Poor performance in leading economies will hurt the region, with Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela in recession this year
The political situation points to an individual victory for HDP, but a stalemate between all parties
Policy choices from Nigeria are under the spotlight, as lower commodity prices strain economies across the region
The third quarter will be the first period of tough economic and political tests for the year-old Modi administration
Global infrastructure
Progress on new infrastructure financing sources will pick up pace, with China playing a central role
Agricultural production, consumption and prices are broadly stable
South-east Asia
Prospects for South-east Asia in the third quarter