Prospects 2015 Q4

Renault electric city Twizy cars, Paris (Reuters/Charles Platiau)
  • Sep 2, 2015
  • 7 min read


New technologies and regulations are reshaping manufacturing, particularly in the automotive sector

The skyline of Frankfurt's banking district (Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach)
  • Sep 2, 2015
  • 13 min read

Global economy

Growth divide damages world trade and heightens tensions over monetary policy and currency trends

  • Sep 3, 2015
  • 7 min read

Natural gas

Rising gas demand in the northern hemisphere's winter season will not be enough to outdo the supply glut

  • Sep 3, 2015
  • 7 min read


The election is hard to predict and will largely depend on how the Kurdish issue evolves in the months beforehand

  • Sep 4, 2015
  • 7 min read


The future of global trade will depend on there being sufficient port and other logistics infrastructure

  • Sep 4, 2015
  • 13 min read

Middle East

The impact of the Iran nuclear deal, Syria's civil war and low oil prices will reverberate across the region

  • Sep 7, 2015
  • 7 min read

United States

Prospects for the United States in the fourth quarter

  • Sep 7, 2015
  • 11 min read


The migrant crisis will dominate the continent's politics

  • Sep 8, 2015
  • 8 min read

South-east Asia

The fourth quarter will be politically turbulent against a backdrop of a slowing regional economy

  • Sep 8, 2015
  • 7 min read


The Ukraine crisis, increasing support for Syria's regime, low oil prices and the economy will dominate Russian thinking

  • Sep 9, 2015
  • 13 min read


Global market volatility and low commodity prices are steadily raising the region's risk profile

  • Sep 9, 2015
  • 7 min read


Although agricultural output and prices are relatively stable, coming months threaten currency- and weather-linked risks

  • Sep 10, 2015
  • 7 min read


The internal economic and policy environment will be relatively gloomy for the government

  • Sep 10, 2015
  • 7 min read

Defence and security

Ongoing war in Syria, drones and negotiations on the sale of French Mistral helicopter-carriers will be the main issues

  • Sep 11, 2015
  • 12 min read

Latin America

Corruption probes and poor economic prospects are undermining the fourth-quarter outlook

  • Sep 14, 2015
  • 13 min read

East Asia

Beijing's assurances that it has the economy under control ring increasingly hollow

  • Sep 14, 2015
  • 6 min read


Iran's anticipated return to the market, along with tepid emerging market demand growth, shapes the outlook