Prospects 2020 Update

Migrant labourers heading home amid the COVID-19 lockdown (Reuters/Amit Dave)
  • Jun 1, 2020
  • 7 min read


The shadow of the COVID-19 crisis is set to loom large in the second half of this year

A boy stands in a social distancing marker at a free water distribution programme in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya, May 22 (Reuters/Baz Ratner)
  • Jun 2, 2020
  • 7 min read


Progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals faces serious new risks from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Jun 3, 2020
  • 7 min read

Gulf states

The Gulf countries face political challenges while their economies struggle

  • Jun 4, 2020
  • 7 min read


The social and economic aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified multiple cybersecurity risks

  • Jun 5, 2020
  • 7 min read

Central-East Europe

Some CEE countries are more strategic and transparent with their plans to reopen from COVID-19 lockdown than others

  • Jun 8, 2020
  • 7 min read

East African politics

Regional politics is in turmoil as pre-existing plans unravel in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

  • Jun 9, 2020
  • 7 min read


The president will struggle to manage COVID-19 economic and social impacts, faced by a hostile new legislature

  • Jun 10, 2020
  • 7 min read

Fossil fuels

Production cuts are stabilising crude oil prices, but inventories continue to rise and US shale drilling may return

  • Jun 10, 2020
  • 7 min read


The continuing effects of COVID-19 and rising political polarisation will shape bleak political and economic prospects

  • Jun 11, 2020
  • 7 min read


Ambitious monetary and fiscal policy should stabilise the euro-area economy and provide the basis for a faster recovery

  • Jun 11, 2020
  • 7 min read

South-east Asia

The region’s countries are aiming to expedite recovery from the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis

  • Jun 12, 2020
  • 8 min read

Russian politics

COVID-19 will deter some voters in the July 'referendum'; resentment may affect turnout by September

  • Jun 15, 2020
  • 7 min read


The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the president's difficulties in several major areas

  • Jun 16, 2020
  • 7 min read


Amid weak opposition, President Erdogan still dominates the country despite declining support

  • Jun 17, 2020
  • 7 min read

United Kingdom

Persistent concerns about the pandemic and Brexit will make it very difficult for the government to reboot the economy

  • Jun 17, 2020
  • 8 min read

US economy

US GDP will fall sharply in the second quarter; the evolution of COVID-19 will drive the recovery more than the stimulus

  • Jun 18, 2020
  • 7 min read

African economies

The continent faces an unprecedented economic crisis in the wake of COVID-19

  • Jun 19, 2020
  • 7 min read


This year looks likely to be one of missed opportunities for both Colombia and Venezuela

  • Jun 22, 2020
  • 7 min read


Peace talks are becoming more possible, but the goverment does not want them too soon and the Taliban are in crisis

  • Jun 23, 2020
  • 8 min read


China's economy and relations with the West are at their worst in decades as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Jun 24, 2020
  • 7 min read


GDP contracted by 5.4% in January-March even before the lockdowns took effect, and later figures suggest worse to come

  • Jun 25, 2020
  • 7 min read


While the COVID-19 crisis brings openings for reform, stumbling blocks remain

  • Jun 26, 2020
  • 7 min read

North Africa

An economic downturn casts a shadow over the region, while the Libya conflict is entering a new phase

  • Jun 29, 2020
  • 8 min read

East Asia

COVID-19 has dramatically changed the political and economic outlook for every East Asian society

  • Jun 29, 2020
  • 7 min read

US politics

The rest of this year will be dominated by the coming US election and COVID-19’s fallout

  • Jun 29, 2020
  • 7 min read

South Africa

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated an already growing list of problems

  • Jun 30, 2020
  • 12 min read

Global economy

The outlook is changing at an unmatched speed and scale; the path of the virus, and responses to it, will drive activity