Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam ties face tough challenges
The three countries are trying to bolster trilateral cooperation
CambodiaLaos will likely need bailout to avoid default
The country is at high risk of defaulting on its sovereign debt
LaosASEAN summits in Laos may be unusually tense
The regional group faces a growing challenge to ease internal rifts
ASEANEconomic woes will dampen investor confidence in Laos
The country is struggling with debt repayment problems, currency depreciation and soaring inflation
LaosLaos will struggle to spur ASEAN progress on Myanmar
The official from Laos now serving as the ASEAN special envoy on Myanmar has met Myanmar’s junta chief
LaosSouth-east Asia opium trade will likely increase
A recent UN report spotlights opium production and trafficking in Myanmar and Laos
South-east AsiaASEAN leadership will stretch Laos in 2024
The country will chair ASEAN while attempting to manage severe domestic economic problems