Singapore is unlikely to become a regional 'gas hub'
The Asian gas market is growing strongly and a number of countries, including Singapore, are...
SingaporeSingapore's 'global schoolhouse' plan faces challenges
In 1997, the government implemented a 'global schoolhouse' strategy, which aimed to build...
SingaporeSingapore riot will not trigger major policy change
At least 24 Indian migrants appeared in a local court today on charges of participating in a...
SingaporeEU trade talks with China will trail ASEAN deal
EU trade ministers agreed on Friday to begin talks with China and ASEAN members to improve...
EUSingapore's new labour rules will not undercut growth
The government last month announced new rules raising the requirements for companies seeking to...
SingaporeSingapore trade deal bolsters EU's Asia trade pivot
EU and Singapore trade negotiators today signed a free trade agreement (FTA).
EUGlobal LIBOR alternatives will be incremental
The International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on July 17 released a final...
InternationalHaze crisis exposes governance gaps in South-east Asia
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are recovering from two weeks of intense haze in June. ...
South-east Asia