INTERNATIONAL: Flexibility curtails currency crises
In a low-interest-rate world, investors will be looking to currency-adjusted returns to enhance...
InternationalTAIWAN: With ambition Hu could rise further
By concentrating on local issues and representing his constituents well, Hu has re-emerged as a...
TaiwanCHINA: Navy will build up its blue water capabilities
The naval power of the People's Liberation Army is increasing, extending its operational reach...
ChinaTAIWAN/CHINA: Economic and political woes plague Ma
Ma's moderate stance on Taiwan's relations with mainland China promised to help stabilise...
TaiwanASIA: Pre-crisis trends signal extent of exposure
Taiwan's exports fell a record 41.9% year-on-year in December, the Ministry of Finance in Taipei...
AsiaCHINA/TAIWAN: Hu makes overtures to Taiwan
China's President Hu Jintao said today that there would be a "positive response" were Taiwan's...
ChinaNORTH-EAST ASIA: Shares should recover in 2009
Shares in many Asian stock markets have seen record falls in 2008, as the year ends today.
AsiaTAIWAN/CHINA: Taipei mulls trade zone lure
The government is considering establishing a special trade zone to attract Taiwanese companies...