CAMBODIA: Political impasse underlines state weakness
Since last July's elections, deadlock between the political parties has hampered the formation of...
CambodiaASEAN: Closer Australia/New Zealand ties advocated
During a meeting in Singapore yesterday, economic ministers from ASEAN recommended holding talks...
New ZealandVIETNAM: Hanoi considers nuclear energy to meet demand
The government today approved the construction of seven new power stations by 2010. Rapid...
VietnamSOUTH-EAST ASIA: China spurs commodities demand
China is likely to become a major importer of South-east Asia's soft commodities over the next...
ChinaVIETNAM: Government to accelerate privatisation
Until recently, the privatisation of state enterprises has ranked relatively low on the...
VietnamSCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: Concerns mount over hybrid virus
Large numbers of birds have been slaughtered in an attempt to contain the outbreak. The viral...
VIETNAM: Garment growth underlines WTO benefits
Garment exports to the United States increased by 168% year-on-year to 2.34 billion dollars in...
VietnamJAPAN: ODA shift reflects strategic rationale
Japan will significantly reduce its official development assistance loans to China and increase...