Prospects: a Turbulent 2025
A look at some core forecasts and key turning points in 2025
InternationalYoung people are rejecting political party involvement
Evidence from around the world suggests that young people are less likely to engage in traditional party politics
InternationalProspects for African economies in 2025
Constraints are beginning to ease after an extremely difficult economic period, but significant fragilities remain
AfricaAfrican anger at France may decline in the long-term
A report has been released analysing the drivers of 'anti-French sentiment' in West Africa and the Sahel
FranceAfrican debt levels may stabilise
Recent IMF reporting suggests a modestly improved African economic outlook
AfricaBretton Woods institutions may face African backlash
The World Bank and especially the IMF have gained renewed prominence in addressing Africa's macro-economic imbalances
AfricaIMF fiscal advice for Africa may yield few gains
The IMF released its most recent economic outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa