
  • Aug 7
  • 7 min read

Congo-Rwanda truce may struggle for traction

Talks have produced a new ceasefire deal between the neighbours but many of the conflict's key drivers remain unresolved

  • Jul 15
  • 2 min read

Rwandan election will entrench Kagame’s power

The president looks set to win his fourth consecutive presidential election

  • Jul 11
  • 7 min read

Congo will use conflict minerals to discredit Rwanda

The government accuses neighbouring Rwanda of using conflict in eastern DRC to profit from the illegal minerals trade

  • May 3
  • 2 min read

Rubaya’s fall will fuel Congo conflict minerals claims

The M23 rebellion has seized a key mining town in eastern Congo

  • Mar 28
  • 2 min read

UK migrant deterrence policy is in trouble

Record levels of asylum seekers arrived on UK shores during the first quarter

United Kingdom
  • Mar 14
  • 2 min read

Rwanda heads towards empty elections

Opposition leader Victoire Ingabire has been barred from running for president in the July elections

  • Mar 12
  • 2 min read

Congo-Rwanda talks offer hope but will face challenges

The Congolese and Rwandan presidents have said they are willing to meet to discuss the security crisis in eastern DRC
