
  • Jun 27
  • 2 min read

EU dispute is unlikely to change Algerian trade policy

The government's emphasis on import substitution triggers tensions in the country's ties with Brussels

  • Jun 5
  • 2 min read

Algeria will react quickly to public protests

The government is dealing with a water shortage crisis and high prices ahead of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha

  • Jun 4
  • 6 min read

A tame private sector helps Algeria’s president

Tebboune is leaning on the business class to implement his economic strategy and boost his electoral prospects

  • May 20
  • 6 min read

Algeria’s president will comfortably lead the polls

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has brought forward the presidential elections from December to September

  • May 13
  • 2 min read

Algeria's tourism sector will be slow to grow

The government intends to press forward with promoting tourism to the country

  • May 3
  • 2 min read

Algeria will seek Russian coordination in the Sahel

Algeria has grown increasingly concerned over the presence of Russian paramilitary forces in the Sahel

  • Apr 18
  • 7 min read

Algeria is set for more renewable energy generation

Energy utility company Sonelgaz is pressing forward with solar power projects

  • Apr 10
  • 6 min read

Algeria will closely monitor religious practices

The country has a sophisticated system for managing religious affairs, while also leaving some scope for debate

  • Apr 3
  • 2 min read

Algerian-Emirati tensions will simmer but not explode

Abu Dhabi is carefully calibrating its response to negative statements by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune
