Economic growth in Belarus will slow this year
The Belarusian economy grew by 4.0% in 2024, slightly faster than the 3.9% recorded in 2023
BelarusLukashenka win means little will change in Belarus
As expected, President Alexander Lukashenka won yesterday’s presidential election decisively
BelarusRussia’s reliance on imported microchips will persist
Western sanctions disrupted Russia’s plans to develop its microelectronics industry
RussiaBelarus will pursue Global South ties
Minsk drew closer to the BRICS group last year, hinting at a more active foreign policy
BelarusBelarusian opposition in exile will likely fragment
The Belarusian opposition in exile is evolving, with new factions emerging that are rising in importance
BelarusPace of economic growth in Belarus will cool
The Belarusian economy has continued on its path of recovery from the recession of early 2023
BelarusMoscow’s control over Belarusian military will grow
The Belarusian military is moving closer to being fully absorbed by Russia