
  • Aug 30
  • 2 min read

Russian import payment problems will likely continue

Chinese banks are increasingly halting transactions with Russian counterparts, leading to significant delays in payments

  • Jul 3
  • 7 min read

China's influence in the South Caucasus will grow

An interest in developing trade corridors to Europe has led to Beijing increasing its interest in the South Caucasus

  • Jun 13
  • 7 min read

Georgia will increasingly shift towards Eurasia

The passage of controversial NGO legislation has caused tensions within Georgia and with Western states

  • Feb 7
  • 7 min read

The EU will encounter obstacles in the South Caucasus

The EU has attempted to intensify its engagement in the South Caucasus, with varying degrees of success

  • Jan 10
  • 2 min read

Russia will shape regional economic prospects

A World Bank report shows that the economic fortunes of the CIS region continue to be shaped by Russia

  • Nov 21, 2023
  • 7 min read

Russia will lose more influence in the South Caucasus

Distracted by its war in Ukraine, Russia is unable to perform the role of regional hegemon in the South Caucasus

  • Jun 7, 2023
  • 7 min read

Iran will work to improve ties in the South Caucasus

Iran believes that changing regional relations in the South Caucasus over the past three years have left it isolated
