
  • Jul 31
  • 2 min read

Pilot shortage will limit impact of Ukraine’s F-16s

Only six Ukrainian pilots are trained to fly new F-16 combat aircraft, limiting the effectiveness of the new aircraft

  • Jul 17
  • 6 min read

Dutch government is unlikely to survive a full-term

The new government’s first few weeks in office have exposed tensions between its parties

  • Jun 20
  • 2 min read

Youth vote will help Europe’s far right expand

Far-right parties are making significant progress in appealing to younger voters

  • May 31
  • 7 min read

CCUS is gathering momentum in Europe

European countries are investing in CCUS, one of main technological pathways for managing industrial emissions

  • May 16
  • 2 min read

Unity of Dutch government will be challenged

The Netherlands looks set to have its most right-wing government in recent history

  • Feb 9
  • 6 min read

Far right stands to benefit from Dutch tensions

Support for the Freedom Party has grown since it entered tough coalition talks after its election victory in November

  • Feb 7
  • 2 min read

Prolonged Dutch talks could benefit Wilders

Far-right leader Geert Wilders' chances of forming a government have been damaged by the withdrawal of a key party

  • Feb 7
  • 2 min read

Chinese hacking allegations will raise tensions

Dutch intelligence agencies have openly accused China of cyberespionage

  • Jan 31
  • 7 min read

EU farmer unrest looks set to persist

French farmers are determined to continue protests despite the government's decision to grant concessions
