
  • Sep 16
  • 2 min read

Serbia’s demands unlikely to deter Prishtina

President Aleksandar Vucic issued a set of demands and measures in response to Prishtina’s moves to centralise authority

  • Sep 2
  • 2 min read

Kosovo pushes ahead with centralisation

Prishtina closed down all remaining Serb-run institutions in the north

  • Aug 29
  • 2 min read

Balkan critical minerals may prompt global scramble

Western Balkan states hold significant deposits of minerals that are key to powering the green transition

  • Aug 21
  • 2 min read

Washington remains concerned about Balkan security

Intrastate turmoil still tops US security concerns in the region

  • Aug 16
  • 2 min read

Balkan cross-border judicial cooperation still lacking

Western Balkan countries remain reluctant to extradite persons of interest in high-level cases in neighbouring states

  • Aug 14
  • 2 min read

Kosovo’s Mitrovica bridge to become a flashpoint again

Kosovo’s government looks to efface a symbol of Mitrovica’s ethnic division

  • Aug 5
  • 2 min read

North Macedonia may sour relations with Kosovo

Skopje becomes involved in another diplomatic row with a neighbour

North Macedonia
  • Jun 14
  • 7 min read

Kosovo will struggle to mend ties with the West

Kosovo’s bid to join the Council of Europe is on hold as relations with the West show no sign of improvement

  • Jun 10
  • 2 min read

Serbia will increasingly interfere in Bosnia

A gathering of Serb leaders from the Western Balkans revives ideas of Serb unity
