South-east Asia

  • Jun 18
  • 7 min read

South-east Asia will seek strategic balance on AI

The region’s digital boom, market size and strategic location are a major draw for foreign AI firms

South-east Asia
  • Apr 26
  • 7 min read

Chinese firms will expand presence in South-east Asia

Data show that Chinese firms have ramped up investment in South-east Asia

  • Apr 9
  • 7 min read

South-east Asia may align more with China in near term

It appears that a slight majority of South-east Asians would pick China if forced to take sides in US-Chinese rivalry

South-east Asia
  • Mar 12
  • 6 min read

ASEAN-Australia relations will grow

Last week’s ASEAN-Australia summit in Melbourne produced numerous deliverables

  • Mar 11
  • 7 min read

ASEAN AI Guide is a modest but notable step

The ten-member South-east Asian bloc has released its first non-binding guide on artificial intelligence (AI)

  • Jan 17
  • 2 min read

Vested interests preserve South-east Asian cybercrime

A new UN report outlines the expanding nature of online criminal activity in South-east Asia

South-east Asia
  • Dec 27, 2023
  • 6 min read

South-east Asia opium trade will likely increase

A recent UN report spotlights opium production and trafficking in Myanmar and Laos

South-east Asia