
  • Jun 20
  • 2 min read

Youth vote will help Europe’s far right expand

Far-right parties are making significant progress in appealing to younger voters

  • May 31
  • 7 min read

CCUS is gathering momentum in Europe

European countries are investing in CCUS, one of main technological pathways for managing industrial emissions

  • Feb 19
  • 7 min read

Hungary may stop delaying Sweden joining NATO soon

Hungary seems about to concede to growing Western pressure and agree to Sweden joining NATO, the last member to do so

  • Jan 24
  • 2 min read

Turkish Yes to Sweden’s NATO bid would isolate Hungary

Hungary’s motives in delaying ratification of Sweden’s application to NATO are much less clear than Turkey’s

  • Nov 8, 2023
  • 7 min read

Swedish minority government will hold together for now

A year since elections, the far right has continued to back the minority government, in return for influencing policy

  • Oct 24, 2023
  • 2 min read

Sweden is set to join NATO

Turkish President Erdogan has sent parliament a bill that would ratify Sweden's accession to NATO

  • Oct 20, 2023
  • 2 min read

Swedish and EU migrant anxiety will not easily abate

Deaths of Swedish football fans and fears of returned IS jihadists spreading radicalism will fuel anti-migrant sentiment

  • Oct 17, 2023
  • 2 min read

Brussels attack may complicate Sweden’s NATO accession

The two Swedish football fans killed in Brussels yesterday were probably targeted because of their nationality

  • Oct 16, 2023
  • 7 min read

Nordic far right may draw some voters but deter others

The influence of Nordic nativist parties both inside and outside government has not been problem-free
