
  • Mar 29, 2023
  • 8 min read

China will invest selectively in South-eastern Europe

Despite EU push-back, most countries in the region will not downgrade ties with Beijing

  • Mar 6, 2023
  • 8 min read

Green transition will move slowly in Western Balkans

Despite EU incentives, the region will take a long time to switch from coal to renewable energy

  • Mar 3, 2023
  • 7 min read

Western Balkans will toughen migration controls

The EU is stepping up cooperation with the Western Balkan countries to curb illegal migration

  • Dec 12, 2022
  • 7 min read

EU expects return as it offers more to Western Balkans

EU offers recommitment and more support to the Western Balkans but demands reforms and still cannot guarantee accession

  • Dec 5, 2022
  • 7 min read

Albanian opposition will struggle to make headway

Despite economic problems and surging emigration, the united opposition will make only modest gains in local elections

  • Nov 23, 2022
  • 7 min read

EU will invest in Western Balkan transport corridors

The EU-supported upgrade of roads and railways hinges on funding, planning capacity and robust institutions

  • Nov 10, 2022
  • 7 min read

Prospects for the Western Balkans in 2023

With EU accession lacking will and commitment, the region faces energy uncertainty, rising inflation and slowing growth

  • Nov 9, 2022
  • 7 min read

Berlin summit will widen Balkan economic integration

Three agreements bring tangible benefits to Western Balkan citizens, including more workforce mobility across the region
