Prospects for Europe in the fourth quarter
The deteriorating situation in the euro-area and, especially, the increasingly visible slowdown...
EUSerbian president says he is misunderstood in Balkans
Nikolic said on Friday that he was firmly committed to cooperation, security and peace in the...
SerbiaBalkans risks subsiding into dependent stagnation
The Western Balkans as a region is facing a problem familiar enough on the EU's Mediterranean...
BalkansGreen consumerism has yet to spread in the Balkans
Many consumers across the Western world are starting to take into account environmental impact in...
BalkansEU enlargement takes another halting Balkan step
There is no guarantee that Serbia will attain EU candidacy status in early 2012, former European...
BalkansBalkans becomes hub for falsified medicine
Recent customs and police seizures across the region have revealed the relatively new phenomenon...
BalkansTurmoil in EU-15 will affect EU-10 growth and politics
Since the EU-10 are so closely bound -- through production, trade and finance -- with the older...
Eastern EuropeProspects for the western Balkans in 2012
Conflicts continue to undermine stability and impede progress towards EU integration. While...