
  • Nov 18, 2009
  • 2 min read

BELGIUM: Commission approves KBC restructuring package

The European Commission today approved an asset relief and restructuring package for the KBC Group.

  • Oct 13, 2009
  • 2 min read

BELGIUM: Government reverses nuclear phase-out

The government today announced that the country's nuclear power plants would remain in service...

  • Jul 29, 2009
  • 2 min read

BELGIUM/NETHERLANDS: Dutch delay dredging in Scheldt

Antwerp Port Authority yesterday called on the Netherlands to abide by a 2005 agreement allowing...

  • Jul 21, 2009
  • 2 min read

BELGIUM: Amnesty has international implications

The Federal government today announced it had reached agreement on the treatment of undocumented...

  • Jun 9, 2009
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Right leads more fractious chamber

The centre-right remained the largest group following the European parliamentary elections which...

  • May 7, 2009
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Slump shows 'Europe of Regions' limits

Patxi Lopez was elected as first minister of the Basque Autonomous Community on May 5. The...

  • May 1, 2009
  • 2 min read

GERMANY/AUSTRIA/CEE: Labour limits extended

Germany and Austria will not today lift restrictions on immigrant workers from the "new" EU...

  • Mar 13, 2009
  • 2 min read

EUROPE: A400M saga shows procurement dysfunction

European governments yesterday agreed to delay a decision on scrapping the A400M transport plane.