BELGIUM: November 21, 1988
Bourse reform. SIGNIFICANCE: Reform is due largely to the EC's programme of abolishing capital...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Constitutional Reform
Constitutional reform is to take effect on January 1,...
BelgiumBELGIUM: August 15, 1988
Constitutional reform takes effect on January 1.
BelgiumBELGIUM: Political Deadlock Easing
A centre-left coalition government is likely to be formed this...
BelgiumBELGIUM: May 04, 1988
A centre-left coalition government is likely to be formed this week.
BelgiumBELGIUM: Societe Generale
Carlo De Benedetti suffered a setback in his bid for control of...
BelgiumBELGIUM: April 15, 1988
Carlo De Benedetti suffered a setback to his bid for control of the Societe Generale in Brussels...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Industrial Ownership
Two court rulings yesterday have strengthened Carlo de...