BELGIUM: February 10, 1988
The struggle for Societe Generale de Belgique.
BelgiumBELGIUM: General Election
The ruling centre-right coalition lost ground in yesterday's general election, but has just...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Election Preview
Polling in the general election will be on December 13. The present centre-right coalition...
BelgiumWESTERN EUROPE: Interest Rate Cuts
Yesterday, in coordinated action, West Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands cut...
Western EuropeBELGIUM: Early Election
A general election will be held as soon as possible, probably around mid-December. Despite...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Tax Reform
Belgian Finance Minister Mark Eyskens is about to submit plans for income tax cuts to his...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Austerity Programme
The Belgian government's austerity programme meets opposition. The programme is the central...
BelgiumBELGIUM: Economy
Despite more than four years of austerity, the Belgian economy is still amongst the least sound...