BOSNIA: Kosovo sparks Serb demand for independence
The Bosnian Serb parliament threatened on February 21 to hold a referendum on self-determination....
KosovoSERBIA: Pristina is poised to declare independence
Serbian President Boris Tadic swore at his inauguration ceremony today -- Statehood Day, the...
SerbiaBOSNIA: Economic management faces extra test in 2008
Industrial production rose by 9.1% year-on-year in 2007 in Bosnia's Federation entity, the local...
PROSPECTS 2008: Serbia faces risk and instability
Kosovo's expected unilateral declaration of independence and Serbia's negative reaction to it...
SerbiaBOSNIA: RS premier poses new challenge to stability
The main opposition parties walked out of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament on December 22, as...
SERBIA: EU prepares for Kosovo independence
EU foreign ministers today will prepare a declaration on the future of Kosovo ahead of the EU...
SerbiaBOSNIA/EU: Breakthrough on SAA bodes well for future
The EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) was initialled on December 4. After months...
EuBOSNIA/EU: Last-minute agreement may allow SAA deal
EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn meets politicians and international officials in...