• Mar 21, 2019
  • 2 min read

Eastern Mediterranean talks outcome will relieve Egypt

Israeli, Cypriot and Greek leaders said they will continue cooperation on a gas pipeline, but did not sign a formal deal

  • Feb 28, 2019
  • 7 min read

Automation alters Central-Eastern Europe growth needs

The working age population across CEE will continue declining steadily to 2030 due to local and regional factors

  • Jan 17, 2019
  • 2 min read

Russian disinformation campaign spreads wider

The goals of such campaigns range from influencing elections to sowing political doubt; some aims are easier than others

  • Dec 18, 2018
  • 7 min read

COP 24 leaves much to be done regarding climate change

The climate conference met minimum expectations, but far more work is needed to avert environmental catastrophe

  • Sep 20, 2018
  • 6 min read

3D printing poses complex crime risks globally

3D printing could transform criminal activities but media hype over gun printing distracts from far greater threats

  • Jul 5, 2018
  • 7 min read

EU ePrivacy rules would alter digital business models

Pro-privacy advocates want Europe to follow the GDPR with new ePrivacy regulations for all electronic communications

  • May 31, 2018
  • 2 min read

Deep regional digital divides will shape growth trends

Over half the world's population is expected to be online by end-2018

  • Mar 15, 2018
  • 7 min read

Green bonds set for strong growth worldwide

Green bonds account for a tiny fraction of the global bond market, but they are quickly catching on
