• Mar 1
  • 2 min read

Euro-area deep industrial downturn is lowering CPI

Euro-area consumer price inflation slowed to 2.6% in February while the manufacturing PMI remains deep in contraction

  • Feb 29
  • 2 min read

Mercosur-EU trade deal will not be reached this year

Paraguayan President Santiago Pena, currently head of the Mercosur bloc, yesterday dismissed hopes of a rapid deal

  • Feb 28
  • 2 min read

Polish government will divert farmers’ anger to EU

The government can blame the EU for farmers’ grievances over cheap Ukrainian imports and the burdens of its ‘green deal’

  • Feb 28
  • 2 min read

EU will struggle to reverse migration trends

The number of asylum applicants to the EU+ last year was the highest since the 2015-16 migrant crisis

  • Feb 27
  • 7 min read

Farmer concerns will shift EU climate policy

Farmer pressure will force the EU to dilute green deal policies further

  • Feb 26
  • 7 min read

Diamond sanctions will have a modest impact on Russia

New G7 sanctions on Russia's diamond exports are being introduced in several stages

  • Feb 26
  • 2 min read

Farmer unrest will make EU trade deals more difficult

Farmers are calling for a prioritisation of food sovereignty in future EU free trade agreements (FTAs)

  • Feb 23
  • 6 min read

Greater risks lie ahead for Italy’s government

Italy’s right-wing coalition has proven stable but political and economic challenges will increase
