
  • Mar 20, 2023
  • 2 min read

Russian cyberattack risks to the West are evolving

Several reports have underlined that Russia-linked cyberattacks against Ukraine and the West are evolving

  • Mar 6, 2023
  • 2 min read

Popular pro-Ukraine Estonian premier in pole position

Election strengthens Kallas who has several coalition options, but far-right populists are now the second-largest party

  • Feb 23, 2023
  • 2 min read

United States will back NATO’s Eastern Europe members

President Biden has held a summit in Warsaw with leaders of the nine frontline NATO members in Eastern Europe

United States
  • Feb 9, 2023
  • 7 min read

Eastern European crypto market will see robust growth

The rapidly expanding crypto sector in Eastern Europe creates both opportunities and risks

Eastern Europe
  • Feb 7, 2023
  • 6 min read

Baltic fiscal prudence will return even with low debt

Crisis years 2020-22 have increased Baltic states’ spending and debt, as rising interest rates raise debt-service costs

Baltic states
  • Jan 25, 2023
  • 2 min read

Estonia will slim down but not close Russian embassy

It will suit Estonia to reduce the numbers in the Russian embassy in Tallinn to equal its own representation in Moscow

  • Aug 15, 2022
  • 2 min read

China’s Eastern Europe plans hit by Baltics exit

After Lithuania’s exit from the 16+1 cooperation mechanism last year, Estonia and Latvia have followed

  • Jun 9, 2022
  • 2 min read

Conservatives will decide Estonia’s next government

Rival coalition groups are vying for the support of the mainstream Isamaa after the Reform and Centre parties fell out
