
  • Feb 10, 2009
  • 2 min read

WESTERN EUROPE: Nordic states mull defence integration

A report by five Nordic foreign ministries published yesterday proposes that the countries pool...

  • Jan 15, 2009
  • 11 min read

WESTERN EUROPE: Recession may not boost the far-Right

The electoral success of far-right parties across Europe, especially in Austria and Switzerland,...

  • Nov 28, 2008
  • 6 min read

WESTERN EUROPE: Crisis prompts Nordic Europe rethink

The Swedish economy went into recession in the third quarter of the year, Statistics Sweden...

  • Apr 9, 2008
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: ECJ limits on strikes risk backlash

The ECJ issued two landmark rulings in December on labour rights, generally restricting the right...

  • Apr 7, 2008
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Reforms lag behind 'Lisbon' targets

After a disappointing start, the EU's ten-year reform programme, the 'Lisbon Agenda', can now...

  • Mar 25, 2008
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Legal minimum wages may become norm

Voluntary, sector-based, collective wage agreements, common in Germany and Scandinavian...

  • Mar 20, 2008
  • 6 min read

FINLAND/SWEDEN: Monetary policy is not key to growth

Economic growth and inflation in Finland and Sweden have both outperformed the euro-area average...

  • Mar 18, 2008
  • 7 min read

FRANCE/EU: EU-6 defence group may get tacit support

Paris intends to prioritise the European Security and Defence Policy during its forthcoming EU...
