
  • Jun 16, 2008
  • 6 min read

EASTERN EUROPE: Smoking remains socially acceptable

While levels of tobacco addiction have declined in Western Europe in recent years, the problem...

Eastern Europe
  • Jun 4, 2008
  • 2 min read

BALTIC STATES: Vilnius hopes to avoid 'hard landing'

Lithuania will avoid a 'hard landing' because of its strong industrial sector and expanding...

Baltic States
  • Apr 23, 2008
  • 7 min read

CEE: Skill shortages threaten growth and FDI inflow

Just as economic growth in CEE is driving down unemployment, rapidly rising wage costs in many of...

  • Apr 9, 2008
  • 7 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: ECJ limits on strikes risk backlash

The ECJ issued two landmark rulings in December on labour rights, generally restricting the right...

  • Mar 14, 2008
  • 7 min read

EU/US: EU gets a small stake in US visa negotiations

US representatives yesterday agreed to 'twin track' visa waiver negotiations, whereby some...

  • Feb 15, 2008
  • 2 min read

CEE: Hungary is exception to regional growth pattern

The Czech economy grew by an unexpectedly high 6.9% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2007,...

  • Feb 13, 2008
  • 2 min read

BALTIC STATES: EU power bridge limits Russia reliance

Poland and Lithuania yesterday agreed to establish a 370 million-dollar joint venture to build a...

Baltic States
  • Feb 1, 2008
  • 2 min read

CEE: Current account deficits worry ratings agency

Fitch yesterday moved the outlook from stable to negative for Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and...