
  • Sep 28, 2007
  • 2 min read

LATVIA: Anti-corruption campaign fails to deliver

The new speaker of parliament, Gundars Daudze, yesterday chaired his first session after being...

  • Sep 25, 2007
  • 2 min read

BALTIC STATES: External deficits remain wide

Lithuania's current account deficit widened to 16.1% of GDP in the second quarter from 13.2% in...

Baltic States
  • Sep 19, 2007
  • 2 min read

LATVIA/ESTONIA: Inflation forces tighter budgets

"Drastic" steps are needed against rising prices, Latvian Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis said...

  • Aug 9, 2007
  • 1 min read

LATVIA: Anti-inflation plan is slow to take effect

Consumer prices in Latvia rose in July by 1.2% month-on-month and 9.5% year-on-year, the Central...

  • Aug 1, 2007
  • 2 min read

EUROPEAN UNION/CEE: Latvia joins emissions appeal

Latvia yesterday became the latest of six new member states taking legal action against the...

  • Jul 11, 2007
  • 2 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Word Bank governance report influence

Improved governance leads to higher standards of living, rather than the other way around, the...

  • Jun 29, 2007
  • 1 min read

LITHUANIA: Nuclear power plant agreed

Parliament yesterday adopted a law on building a new nuclear power plant to replace the...

  • Jun 8, 2007
  • 7 min read

CEE: Growth offers opportunity to implement reform

Growth in the region has been high in recent years, and this is projected to continue in the...