Truly common EU defence policy remains elusive
EU member states are slashing their military expenditure by 10-15% on average. For an optimal use...
EUStructural change is Baltic states' way out of crisis
While much of the euro-area and EU is experiencing very slow economic growth or outright...
Baltic statesLatvia's recovery may not replicate readily
Latvia has strong growth, falling unemployment, narrower budget deficits and one of the lowest...
LatviaLatvia and Lithuania look set to join euro-area
None of the eight states on the euro-area threshold -- Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary,...
EURiga has no will to bridge Latvian-Russian ethnic gap
"Good and mutually beneficial" relations will not change substantially, Russia's ambassador to...
LatviaLatvian language vote could help resolve differences
Just under 75% voted on Saturday against adopting Russian as an official language, the Central...
LatviaAll three Baltic states may be in euro-area by 2014
The new, stricter rules of the 'fiscal compact' have made the euro even more desirable in the...
Baltic statesBank problems come at bad time for Latvia, Lithuania
With economic growth already slowing as a result of the weakness of export markets in Western...