BOSNIA/EU: Military mission
Today's EU Copenhagen summit is to consider taking over peacekeeping in Bosnia from NATO.
EuPROSPECTS 2003: Precarious stability at stake
International financial assistance to the Balkans is set to decline rapidly from 2003. Although...
PROSPECTS 2003: Balkans
International financial assistance to the Balkans is set to decline rapidly from 2003.
BalkansALBANIA/EU: Talks timetabled
Brussels is to open negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) in...
AlbaniaMACEDONIA/PAKISTAN: Karachi blast
Skopje today described the destruction of its honorary consulate in Karachi as an act of...
MacedoniaCROATIA/YUGOSLAVIA: Trade ties
The two countries reached a free trade agreement yesterday.
CroatiaMACEDONIA: Former guerrillas in coalition government
On October 31, parliament approved a coalition government that includes a party formed by former...
MacedoniaMACEDONIA: Guerrilla government
Parliament has approved a coalition government that includes a party formed by former ethnic...