NORWAY: European Debate
Local elections on September 9 showed a sharp increase in...
NorwayNORWAY: September 13, 1991
Local elections on September 9 were dominated by the issue of the European Community.
NorwayNORWAY: September 10, 1991
Preliminary municipal election results show that voters have swung away from the ruling Labour...
NorwayWESTERN EUROPE: Scandinavian Currencies
This month, the Finnish mark became the third...
NORWAY: Tax Reform
A major tax reform was placed before parliament on April...
NorwayNORWAY: April 17, 1991
A major tax reform proposal, placed before parliament on April 12, will align Norway's system...
NorwayNORWAY: April 12, 1991
Statoil has concluded a long-term gas supply agreement with the UK's National Power.
NorwayEUROPEAN COMMUNITY: Enlargement Debate
The next expansion of the EC is likely to include at least three significant EFTA members.