INTERNATIONAL: Scandinavian Gas Market
Nordic ministers have urged the integration of regional...
InternationalNORWAY: Improved Economy
An official report last week called for financial...
NorwayNORWAY: February 20, 1989
Improved economy. SIGNIFICANCE: Recent improvements in the economy now make closer alignment...
NorwayNORWAY: Budget
Norway's minority Labour Government has announced its...
NorwayNORWAY: October 07, 1988
Budget for 1989. SIGNIFICANCE: Revenue projections are based on the assumption of oil at $14.30...
NorwayNORWAY: Statoil Scandal
The head of Statoil the state oil company, yesterday offered his resignation. The tendered...
NorwayINTERNATIONAL: Integrating Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia has reportedly offered to buy a large stake in Exxon's oil refining and marketing...
InternationalNORWAY: Economic Policy
The government has presented its 1988 budget to parliament. The budget strategy centres on...