EU presidency will show up Romania’s peripheral status
EU sanctions are likely if Dragnea finalises his plans to evade the law and crush judicial independence
RomaniaRomanian EU presidency will be largely ceremonial
Romania will lack the capacity to use its six-month EU presidency to its advantage
RomaniaPopulist attack on business will please many Romanians
The stock market has fallen in anticipation of the government pushing through a 'tax on greed'
RomaniaLoyalists of doubtful ability fill Romanian cabinet
Dragnea can defy metropolitan and liberal critics at home and abroad so long as he has loyal electoral base
RomaniaRomania will defy EU over slipping justice standards
Favouring of Bulgaria in Commission’s CVM reports will help Romanian government whip up resistance to ‘overbearing’ EU
RomaniaResignation shows Romanian cabinet in crisis
Departing EU minister says knives were out for him in cabinet
RomaniaEU will exact price for Romanian rule of law concerns
Pressure mounts on Romania to row back from weakening the rule of law ahead of a CVM report and its Council presidency
RomaniaRomanian government decree will disrupt prosecutions
Government extends its control of justice with rules on prosecutors’ seniority that will allow removing personnel