
  • Aug 16
  • 2 min read

Balkan cross-border judicial cooperation still lacking

Western Balkan countries remain reluctant to extradite persons of interest in high-level cases in neighbouring states

  • Aug 13
  • 2 min read

Unrest may swamp Serbia’s government

Protests erupted across the country over the past week

  • Jul 19
  • 2 min read

Serbia will gain leverage over EU with lithium project

The EU gave its blessing to the controversial Jadar lithium mine project

  • Jul 18
  • 2 min read

Western Balkans needs to do more on climate change

A World Bank report suggests a steep increase in green investments is needed for climate change adaptation

  • Jul 2
  • 7 min read

Serbia will face renewed opposition to lithium mining

Belgrade has floated a plan to revive a lithium mine project, sparking backlash from environmental groups

  • Jun 17
  • 2 min read

Serbia will look to open Europe’s largest lithium mine

President Aleksandar Vucic breathes new life into a moribund lithium mine project

  • Jun 14
  • 7 min read

Kosovo will struggle to mend ties with the West

Kosovo’s bid to join the Council of Europe is on hold as relations with the West show no sign of improvement

  • Jun 10
  • 2 min read

Serbia will increasingly interfere in Bosnia

A gathering of Serb leaders from the Western Balkans revives ideas of Serb unity
