Western Europe
WESTERN EUROPE: UK loses out to France
Data from the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), released yesterday, show very...
Western EuropeUNITED KINGDOM: G8 focus on climate change
Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday emphasised the importance of climate change as a "top policy...
United KingdomUNITED STATES: Washington eyes costs of European unity
US attitudes toward European integration have become more ambivalent as the process has deepened....
United StatesWESTERN EUROPE: Family businesses tread the tightrope
Many major companies, especially in continental Europe, are owned and managed by families. Such...
Western EuropeWESTERN EUROPE: Family businesses tread the tightrope
Many major companies, especially in continental Europe, are owned and managed by families.
Western EuropeUNITED STATES: Troops called home in Army shake-up
President George Bush is expected today to announce his support for a large scale realignment of...
United StatesMIDDLE EAST: Competition transforms telecoms sector
Competition will have a profound effect on the region's telecommunications sector. European...
Middle EastEUROPEAN UNION: CAP contends with a changing world
The CAP is a highly complex policy with a series of particular 'commodity regimes' for individual...