• Jun 13, 2017
  • 2 min read

Somali security strategy will need united approach

Recent attacks by al-Shabaab will not sidetrack long-term plans to withdraw AMISOM troops and boost domestic forces

  • Feb 3, 2017
  • 2 min read

New AU chair shows regional dynamics will persist

Chad’s foreign minister is the new chair of the AU Commission, replacing South Africa’s Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma

  • Feb 2, 2017
  • 2 min read

African Union states will diverge over ICC membership

The AU issued a call for members to withdraw from the ICC at the recent summit in Ethiopia

  • Dec 13, 2016
  • 2 min read

Trump administration may disengage from South Sudan

Washington's relations with Juba have deteriorated over the last year, as a new administration enters the White House

South Sudan
  • Dec 12, 2016
  • 2 min read

Security will define the new government in Somalia

This weekend’s bombing in Mogadishu illustrates the perilous security environment the new government will inherit

  • Nov 23, 2016
  • 2 min read

Peacekeeping concerns risk instability in East Africa

Rising insecurity in East Africa is testing the durability of regional peacekeeping arrangements

East Africa
  • Nov 14, 2012
  • 2 min read

Momentum grows for Mali military intervention

The Africa Union (AU) yesterday endorsed a West African regional initiative for an initial...

  • Apr 27, 2012
  • 2 min read

Uneven Sudanese pressure will struggle to yield talks

A US-sponsored draft UN Security Council resolution threatens both Juba and Khartoum with...
