AFRICA: Growing role in global drug trade
The drug economy in Africa, though small compared to that of Asia and Latin America, is a...
AfricaAFRICA: Continent has growing role in global drug trad
The continent's role in the global narcotics trade and local drugs consumption are both often...
AfricaCONGO-KINSHASA: Peace looms but unity remains elusive
An estimated 1,500-3,000 Rwandan troops withdrew from the southeastern Katangese town of Pweto...
Congo-KinshasaFRANCE/AFRICA: Franco-African summitry under strain
The 22nd Franco-African summit took place in Yaounde, capital of Cameroon, on January 17-19. The...
FranceCONGO-KINSHASA: Kabila death could revive war
President Laurent Kabila, who was assassinated on January 16, was buried today in Kinshasa....
Congo-KinshasaPROSPECTS 2001: AIDS and corruption cloud region
Zimbabwe and Angola excepted, Southern Africa will continue to exhibit relative political...
Zimbabwe and Angola excepted, Southern Africa will continue to exhibit relative political...
AFRICA: Bleak outlook for debt reduction
For many African countries, debt is recognised to be insupportable and its cancellation is often...