SOUTHERN AFRICA: Crisis grows as land reform stalls
The escalating political crisis in Zimbabwe has led to a greater rhetorical commitment towards...
AFRICA: WTO commends progress in SACU liberalisation
The WTO Secretariat reported that the Southern African Customs Union countries had made progress...
AfricaAFRICA: Trade policy review
A report by the WTO Secretariat confirms that the Southern African Customs Union countries have...
AfricaCONGO-KINSHASA: Ethnic strife undermines peace process
UN and Red Cross workers yesterday recovered 274 bodies of victims of recent ethnic conflict in...
Congo-KinshasaUS/AFRICA: New focus on African 'security'
State Department appropriations requests for fiscal 2004 indicate that the United States will...
United StatesZIMBABWE: Tsvangirai trial mars mediation effort
The trial of Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe's main opposition leader, is due to resume today. The...
ZimbabweSOUTHERN AFRICA: SACU renegotiated - and challenged
The SACU agreement, which was renegotiated in October, will simplify decision-making and promote...
BOTSWANA: Diamond sector shapes growth outlook
Minister of Finance and Development Planning Baledzi Gaolathe delivered the 2003/04 budget...