
  • Jun 6, 2001
  • 1 min read

SOUTHERN AFRICA: Regional integration is no panacea

Prospects for regional integration in southern Africa are hampered by the weakness of several...

  • May 22, 2001
  • 8 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Conflict diamonds resist eradication

Several international agreements have been reached during the past year to limit the trade of...

  • May 22, 2001
  • 1 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Conflict diamonds resist eradication

The diamond industry must improve measures to curb the illegal trade in conflict diamonds.

  • Mar 26, 2001
  • 7 min read

BOTSWANA: Budget likely to foster inequalities

Moody's Investors Service has awarded Botswana a sovereign credit rating ceiling of A2....

  • Mar 26, 2001
  • 1 min read

BOTSWANA: 'Sound' budget likely to foster inequalities

The economy remains well balanced and measures are underway to promote much needed...

  • Jan 8, 2001
  • 7 min read

MALAWI: Tighter policies needed to tap potential

There is long-term potential for Malawi to carve out a share in the export market for niche...

  • Aug 29, 2000
  • 7 min read

BOTSWANA: Political infighting

The disappointing progress of development programmes has led to the recall of Vice-President Ian...

  • Aug 29, 2000
  • 1 min read


The disappointing progress of development programmes has led to the recall of Vice-President Ian...
