NIGERIA: Oil revenues
Policies to increase oil-producing capacity and encourage the commercialisation of associated gas...
NigeriaWEST AFRICA: Power pool project now well within reach
Plans to create an integrated West African energy distribution network have the potential...
US/AFRICA: New focus on African 'security'
State Department appropriations requests for fiscal 2004 indicate that the United States will...
United StatesEAST AFRICA: Oil promise points to lucrative exports
Growing interest is being shown in the potential for expanding the energy sector in East Africa. ...
EAST AFRICA: Oil potential
Growing interest is being shown in the potential for expanding the energy sector in East Africa.
Rebel leader and former army chief Francois Bozize last night suspended the constitution and...
AFRICA: Iraq war mars growth, diplomatic outlook
The potential outbreak of war will further curtail the economic growth impulse in the region at...
IraqAFRICA: Iraq war impact
The potential outbreak of war in Iraq will curtail the economic growth impulse in the region at...