CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE: President set for re-election
Opposition candidates criticised yesterday's presidential election, which incumbent President...
Congo-BrazzavilleFRANCE/AFRICA: Magistrate's ruling strains relations
An autonomous magistrate in Paris has authorised a preliminary investigation into the finances of...
FranceAFRICA: Regional growth suffers amid global downturn
Sub-Saharan Africa will see GDP growth slow to just 1.7% in 2009, according to the IMF's latest...
AfricaCONGO-BRAZZAVILLE: Donor support bolsters regime
Financial mismanagement remains a matter of acute political sensitivity for the regime of...
Congo-BrazzavilleCENTRAL AFRICA: Commodities fall hits CEMAC growth
The six-member Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) today forecast regional...
CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE: Eni exploits oil sands
Eni Congo's development of Congo-Brazzaville's oil sands, the first big investment in the sector...
Congo-BrazzavilleAFRICA: Franc zone countries seek food price policy
The World Food Summit in Rome on the impact of surging global food prices closed on June 5. While...
AFRICA: Gulf of Guinea oil and gas set for more growth
Although governments will strive to maximise their leverage over oil companies at a time of tight...