
  • Feb 28
  • 7 min read

Appetite for African minerals may boost infrastructure

The United States has announced it will finance a new railway line to export metals from Central Africa

  • Feb 28
  • 2 min read

Angola’s Congo-Rwanda mediation offers limited opening

Angola is trying to broker a meeting between Congo and Rwanda’s presidents to de-escalate the crisis in eastern Congo

  • Feb 20
  • 2 min read

Government may see benefits of Congo protests

Anti-Western protests have broken out as fighting intensifies in eastern DRC

  • Feb 8
  • 2 min read

Renewed aggression will entrench Congo’s M23 crisis

Recent M23 advances have created fears that the rebels could threaten Goma

  • Feb 1
  • 7 min read

Legislative win strengthens Congo president’s hand

The president begins his second term with a massive parliamentary majority behind him

  • Jan 30
  • 2 min read

A complex coalition will dominate Congo’s parliament

The ruling Sacred Union coalition controls parliament but comprises a patchwork of small parties

  • Jan 24
  • 2 min read

New Congo platform may be seen as a power play

One of the president’s key allies has unveiled a new platform within the ruling coalition

  • Jan 18
  • 2 min read

Congo’s M23 crisis may reintensify

After a period of relative calm, hostilities between the M23 and Congolese forces appear to be rising again
