SOMALIA: Inter-clan conflict intensifies
The Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA), allegedly supported by Ethiopian troops, last week seized...
The intractability of the civil war is becoming increasingly a direct consequence of the...
SomaliaERITREA/ETHIOPIA: Rising Tensions
Eritrea yesterday mobilised thousands of former...
EritreaDJIBOUTI: Red Sea Instability
Armed elements of the Front pour la Restauration de...
DjiboutiDJIBOUTI: September 12, 1997
Internal conflict highlights a volatile and complex situation on both shores of the Red Sea.
DjiboutiAFRICA: Horn Conflicts
Conflicts within the Horn of Africa are blocking...
SOMALIA: Rebel Takeover
Rebels, who seized power in Mogadishu on January 27, have...