
  • Jun 15, 2015
  • 2 min read

Saudi's Yemen campaign may disrupt Horn relations

Saudi's overtures to Eritrea seek to bolster its Yemen campaign, but threaten to upset relations in the Horn of Africa

  • May 8, 2015
  • 2 min read

Economic focus aids Eritrean diplomatic rehabilitation

Asmara is tentatively moving to end its diplomatic isolation, aided by the migrant exodus and mining revenues

  • Apr 20, 2015
  • 2 min read

Refugee crisis shifts EU support for Eritrean regime

Eritrean refugees may counter-intuitively see the government boost its foreign ties

  • Jun 10, 2014
  • 2 min read

Eritrean regime seeks to shift isolation dynamics

There have been a range of indications this year that the Eritrean government is moving to adjust...

  • Feb 10, 2014
  • 2 min read

Economic aims could ease Ethiopia-Eritrea deadlock

Afeworki yesterday derided negotiation efforts by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development...

  • Dec 5, 2013
  • 2 min read

Eritrean president is steadily losing his grip

President Isayas and his circle continue to dominate the political space in Eritrea.

  • Jul 18, 2013
  • 2 min read

Eritrea seeks to ease isolation by new bilateral ties

Eritrea continues to support opponents of Somalia's federal government, according to media leaks...

  • Jun 5, 2013
  • 2 min read

Horn of Africa gold mining outlook is unexceptional

The large rise in international gold prices over the past five years (up by some 50%, even...
