MIDDLE EAST: Obstacles remain to water cooperation
The Israeli cabinet is discussing a proposal to cut the water quota for agricultural use by 50%...
Israel's traditional security concerns are being overtaken by economic issues, including water.
JORDAN: New government is boost for reform
King Abdallah this week dismissed conservative prime minister Abdul Raouf Rawabdeh and charged...
King Abdallah's dismissal of conservative prime minister Abdul Raouf Rawabdeh in favour of Ali...
The new cabinet is expected to be presented to King Abdallah later today or tomorrow following...
JordanJORDAN: Government to blame for falling confidence
Parliament is scheduled to begin discussing a package of economic legislation on May 22....
The failure to pursue economic reforms is harming investor confidence.
JordanJORDAN: Conservative gains stifle reform
The resignation of key reformist figures has damaged the government's credibility. Despite King...