MIDDLE EAST: Hizbollah Crossroads
The fate of Iranian-backed Hizbollah militants in...
JORDAN: Fundamental Difficulties
Harsh realities have begun to cloud Abdallah's...
JordanJORDAN: July 27, 1999
Harsh realities have begun to cloud King Abdallah's post-accession honeymoon.
JordanMIDDLE EAST: Arab Reconciliation
Israeli Prime Minister-designate Ehud Barak and Syrian...
Middle EastUNITED STATES: Hurricane Relief
Congress is deadlocked over a supplemental...
United StatesJORDAN: Government Agenda
King Abdallah appointed the 60-year-old Abdul Raouf...
JordanJORDAN: March 09, 1999
King Abdallah's cabinet has disappointed expectations that a younger generation of technocrats...
JordanSYRIA: Bashar Burgeoning
President Hafez al-Assad is to take the oath of office...