Oil prices could face downward pressure
The price of a barrel of Brent oil has fallen today by around 1%, to nearly 122...
InternationalKUWAIT: Cabinet resignation highlights tensions
The government resigned today, after MPs asked to question three ministers (all members of the...
KuwaitINTERNATIONAL: Oil markets have priced in Libya
Oil prices have fallen moderately today, with the Brent barrel traded near 114 dollars and the...
InternationalKUWAIT: Sheikh Nasser's survival may not end crisis
Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al-Mohammed al-Ahmed al-Sabah narrowly survived a vote of...
KuwaitGULF STATES: State spending plans will impact growth
Saudi Arabia announced its 2011 budget on December 20, revealing a modest increase in planned...
Gulf StatesKUWAIT: Tight grip threatens stability and reputation
On December 13, three opposition MPs filed a motion to question the prime minister. The motion...
KuwaitKUWAIT: Interpellation request signals crisis
Three opposition MPs filed a motion today to question Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser...
KuwaitGULF STATES: Capital markets regulation to grow slowly
The opacity of GCC financial markets has made local contagion from the international financial...
Gulf States